Welcome! I'm

Ty Hoesgen

- Communication Coach

- 2x Bestselling Author

- Founder of Advanced Growth Institute

- Former shy, awkward farm kid who hated speaking

- Lover of sardines and saunas (not together)

I help you speak with more confidence, charisma, and clarity.

My Story

I grew up on a farm near a small town of 800 people, and my favorite childhood activity was climbing trees.

At 10 years old, I climbed to the top of the tallest tree in our yard. It was dangerously high.

Looking out into the distance, I thought to myself, "I hope no one ever finds me up here."

I was a shy, awkward kid who hated being around people. I wanted to hide in the background and avoid speaking as much as possible.

I was the younger brother in my family, and I had an older sister who was the opposite of me—she was a bubbly extrovert who loved to talk.

I secretly enjoyed this. It meant I could avoid speaking and hide behind her.

This constant avoidance ended up being a major disadvantage for developing my speaking skills.

I became so comfortable with not talking that when I did have to speak, the discomfort felt unbearable.

This continued into my teenage years and young adult life.

Even the thought of having to speak to new people made me sick to my stomach. I thought I was hopeless.

It didn’t seem like a big deal as a kid, but as I grew up and entered the professional world, the only job I could get was selling life insurance.

I quickly realized not only how important speaking was, but how deathly afraid I was of it.

Imagine this: you're fresh out of university and drowning in debt, and the only way you can make money is by having difficult conversations.

Conversations like"What's going to happen to your family if you die unexpectedly?"

Your income depends on talking about topics like death and disease.

And you are terrified to have a casual conversation with someone about their weekend.

There was a time when I had to give a short presentation in front of my colleagues, and I vividly remember having to go to the bathroom and throw up because I was so nervous.

I stumbled through the presentation, but it really sucked, and it didn't just suck because I was a bad communicator.

It sucked because I really believed that there was no hope for me.

I remember laying in bed that night, tears in my eyes trying to sleep, and thinking:

"Why am I like this? Why is this so hard for me?"

That was the point I realized that I couldn't keep going like this.

Because when your life depends on your ability to speak, you can't afford to stay the same.

Since then, I've spent many years and thousands of hours researching, reading, practicing, and experimenting to figure out the success formula for communication.

And even though learning on my own felt uncomfortable at times, people eventually started treating me differently.

And as my communicated improved, my career, relationships, and income skyrocketed.

Flash forward to today, and I've coached hundreds of professionals 1-on-1, thousands in groups, written multiple bestselling books, and am blessed to live a life that I credit to one thing: communication.

How I Help

You know how many professionals get to a point in their careers where they’ve had some success, they’re making a good living, but now they’re having to speak in more important situations?

They have to:

-Speak in big meetings

-Give presentations

-Talk to important people

But they feel frustrated because they’re not always communicating at the level they need to be at this stage of their career.

And they know they need to be better.

What I do is help professionals just like this speak with elite levels of:




(Even when you’re put on the spot)

So instead of feeling stressed and thinking:

“I should have said that differently”

You feel supremely confident.

And you’re able to persuade and influence others.

Even when speaking tough situations.

I do this with my clients by teaching them what I call the 3C Communication Formula.

Which has been fine-tuned over many years to help professionals and entrepreneurs speak like the world’s top leaders.

This is done through:

—Customized 1-on-1 coaching programs (individuals)

—Group training sessions (organizations)

And if you don’t see any results at the end of the program, you get your money back. 

How can I make a promise like this? It’s simple, look at the track record. 

I’ve successfully helped hundreds of people—introverts, extroverts, and everyone in between. 

Ty's coaching is undoubtedly worth the investment. The skills and confidence I have gained are invaluable and have positively impacted my career.

-Sharalyn Cheney

Elite Communication Coaching Program

What Clients Say

What Clients Say

What Clients Say

What You Learn

  • How to speak clearly and concisely like the world’s top leaders (even when put on the spot)

  • How to communicate with supreme confidence (even in high pressure situations)

  • How to use your voice to influence, engage, and persuade your audience (while avoiding the common credibility-killing mistakes)

  • How to use your body language to look like a stronger, more confident leader without feeling inauthentic

  • How to overcome public speaking fear and anxiety (without long meditations or hours of affirmations)

  • How to listen and understand people like a secret agent (while being likable and building relationships)

  • How to master small talk and get the results you want (it doesn't have to be so painful)

  • How to deliver the right kind of feedback as a leader (your team will be more receptive and you’ll no longer dread giving it)

  • How to be seen as a charismatic, trustworthy expert when giving presentations (to positively set yourself and your company apart)

Elite Communication Coaching Program

Other Resources

Get Access to my Free Course "Speak Like a Confident Leader in 7 Days"

Check Out My International #1 Bestselling Book On Communication

Get Access to my Free Course "Speak Like a Confident Leader in 7 Days"

Check Out My International #1 Bestselling Book On Communication

All other booking requests or inquiries, please email:
